ASS2 MIS - risks associated with business and IS/IT change
huhuhu!! "second assignment"
TASK: Based on the orgnaization(s) that you visited, what do you think are ctchange?
In dealing with this task, it must have to undergo again like what we have experienced in our HRM assignment, a lot of procedures such us the approval of the chosen company to be interviewed , a letter of approval which is signed by our subject facilitator, Dean, and OSS Director. The difficult part of it, is asking the approval of the Information System officer of the company. If we will be rejected upon aiming IS officer's permission to conduct an interview in a certain company because of some valid reasons , it would be another long procedure to be done. We need again to propose, approve a letter and ask for the company's permission. HUHUHUHu!
That's what I also encountered in doing this task. Our group manages to propose a company and provide a letter of approval but as we ask for the company's permission, we were rejected. I guess, they just want to protect the confidentiality of the company. In this case, we have no choice but to start again.
The JS GAISANO TAGUM, permitted us to conduct an interview regarding the INFORMATION SYSTEM of the company.
JS GAISANOTAGUM , is located at Quirante Dos, Tagum City. Serving customers from 9 o'clock in the morning until 7o'clock in the evening.
And now, they are operating their branches in Kapalong and Sto. Thomas.
This company uses bar-code system wherein it functions as the logger of the employees. It tracks the time of log-in and log-out of the company employees. In terms of the information System of the company's transactions, for now, they were just planning for a system/software that will answer the needs of company.
I guess,it is a must for these company to install an information system that will provide their needs.
Especially that they are now growing and operating there business in other places. It s a must for them in the sense that as the company grows, there needs in IS becomes bigger. They need an IS so that the can handle tasks and operation between branches as one main system. Through this the can track if for example,if there sales grows or becomes low and to know if the demands of a customer as well their inventory of the different branches.
For them,the advantage of having an information system in there company are:
easy to transact business and allow them to scan record files in the easiest and fastest way.
convenient to the employees.
The company can save man power in terms of the numbers of the employees. .
They apply encoding in the computer in keeping their records. It was a semi-manual operation.
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